Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Apparently, I have been totally obnoxious at ye olde yarn shoppe. They had a great time talking about me and my constant queries over the status of the Dream in Color order today. One of the managers left a message on my phone. Everyone is also quite shocked that I managed to hang on to my Christmas money this long. They all spent theirs long ago.

I almost panicked when I realized that my store credit receipt had fallen victim to yesterday's purse-purging frenzy. Thank the yarn deities it was on the counter where said frenzy started.

I made sure to get to the shop early enough to grab my long awaited (I requested it right after Christmas; it was ordered at TNNA) Ruby River. Good thing it came on a Tuesday, or it could have sold right out from under my nose. My skeins were in the box with the rest of the order, and the 3rd Ruby, ordered for the shop, was already sold.

Jeanie, here we come!

Erm, as soon as I finish the Boteh (and on Ravelry) I started Saturday.

For my mom's birthday.



(Though we probably won't do an official par-tay until the 16th, which is the first day we'll all be available.)

Ooh, just noticed that both of these fit nicely into March's Project SPectrum theme, too!

Wow, wonder if I'll have this much luck with the next element?

Snuggling my new yarn, working with the luscious ZYG (this yarn, in this color), and hanging with my knit girls was just what I needed today. I spent the morning making some dinners to take to my aunt. My uncle just got moved to hospice. I hope I can take a little of the burden off by making sure she can at least get some healthy food.

Sorry for the abrupt downer. Look, knitting ==>

Bulky Hooded Vest in action.

Ayany yarn in Savannah Green
pattern from KP&S

E's also wearing Perfection Pants, in Three Irish Girls' Lindon Merino, color Malachy (must be discontinued, as it's not on the site now).


Chrispy said...

I also ordered yarn right after Christmas and have not recieved it, but then mine is for a Christmas present instead of being a Christmas present. My brother-in-law loved his socks so much that I decided to knit him fingerweight socks in the same color and see what he thinks of the different weights. Got start him off slow in this weird world of socks. Of course he asked for them. I wonder if he knew what he was getting into by asking. ::evil-happy grin::

Debra said...

What are you going to make with the Dream in Color?

It's gorgeous.

Lia said...

Jeanie, from Winter Knitty. I have it linked on my ravelry projects page.