Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweet gifts and sweet little knits

J was off work early, so he picked M up from school so I could get a little cat-nap.

When they came back, they each had a card for me, plus flowers and candy, and a balloon for E.

I gave the boys cards with a little bag of Kissables.

J got a card and the 2-disk version of The Two Towers. I gave him The Fellowship of the Ring for Christmas, and he has been itching for the rest of the story.

This is going to take all the surprise out of things when his birthday rolls around.

We only made it to the end of Side One tonight. We'll have to watch the rest on Saturday night, as J and his nephew are hitting the mountain tomorrow.

On the knitting front, I finished my hat, and I love it. I was afraid it would be too small, but it's almost too big. I think that's good, because it will probably shrink a bit with future wear, especially with the singles yarn.

Pattern:Ring of Fire from Cider Moon
Yarn:Recycled Sweater and Handpainted Yarn Thick & Thin (disc.) in Col China
Needles:Knit Picks Options sz 6
Mods:Left out one repeat to adjust for gauge.

This soaker is a custom order I donated to a raffle for Jess's family.

Pattern: Curly Purly Soaker
Yarn: O-Wool Classic Oatmeal and Peace Fleece Grassroots

I've had this shopping bag for almost 2 years. Every few months I pull it out, work a couple of rounds, realize it's very wrong and put it back in time out. Last week I showed it to a co-worker and she helped me figure out how to make it work. I can't do it too much or my wrists get tired (it's been years since I've crocheted anything that took more than 5 minutes.), but I think it will be perfect to keep in the car for Farmer's Market trips this summer. PF bag

There's an A4A deadline coming up. This round, they are collecting newborn items. Since they usually get plenty of hats, I whipped out a couple pairs of socks. I should be able to do one more tomorrow and then pop them in the mail.

Then I have got to finalize my class handouts and outline. I'm teaching 2-at-once Toe-up Socks starting the 23rd. Eek!


Anonymous said...

Someday I will crochet. Oh yes I will.


Lia said...

I will show you! Someday I'll get up to Tandem again, and teach you the ways of the hook. Wicked easy. And fast.

Knittymama said...

Ooooh, I'm loving that hat, so very much!!!

The soaker is so cute. Does the ribbing stay for you with that pattern? I've knit one but it got all stretched out. But yours looks much tighter. Maybe I should have gone down even another needle size?

Lia said...

The waist works great, unless it's done in yarn that's not elastic enough (like alpaca or loosely spun merino).

I use sizes 3, 5, and 7 for heavy worsted/aran weight. basically, 4 sizes smaller than the stockinette needle.