Friday, June 09, 2006

Why the Sheep is Fruity

Kool-Aid, of course!
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Two packets lemonade in 1/2 c. water, two packets Berry Blue in 10 oz. water, and green made from mizing 2 oz of each color.
Forgot to get a pic. of the yarn in skein or ball, but it's all knitted up into a hat and felted mocs for my cousin's new baby.
(Pix to follow!)

Leftover Easter egg dye, and a few drops of McCormicks Neon Food Dye made the lime green color for these swap legwarmers. I'd never dyed superwash before, and was amazed at how readily it took the dye. The water was almost clear even before microwaving. This made for some variation in the intensity of color. Next time, more dye!
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